L.A. Congress 2020


At the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress in 2020, Julianne Stanz was joined by her peers in ministry to present, “Start with Jesus: WE the Missionary People!” Based on her book, Start with Jesus: How Everyday Disciples Will Renew the Church, this presentation covered how to create a vibrant parish—through small, intentional steps initiated by parish leadership that is also accepted by each disciple.

Julianne Stanz, Elsy Arevalo, Dr. Ansel Augustine, Becky Eldredge, and Dr. Joe Paprocki teamed up to illustrate how: “[i]f our people are renewed, our parishes will be renewed. ‘We the people’ are the ones who will renew our parishes but only if we have been renewed by the Lord Jesus Christ who wants disciples not merely admirers. In this unique arena presentation filled with joy, humor and practical insights, five popular RE Congress speakers set forth a vision for reaching people and practical ways by which we can become a community of missionary disciples that set the world on fire.”