Lenten Prayer Bowl

Activity Objective

To make children aware of the importance of talking to God through their prayers

Lesson Outcome

The children will talk to God about their needs and things for which they are thankful.


  • Squares of paper (1/4 sheet of typing paper)
  • Fish bowl (or similar clear bowl that will hold many squares of paper)
  • Pens or pencils


  • Discuss with your group how we all need God. Tell the children that you want them to do something special during this Lenten season to stay in conversation with God.
  • Talk about prayer as an important way for all of us to stay in contact with God.
  • Present the fish bowl and paper squares to the group.
  • Give the bowl a place of honor on your prayer table or space.
  • Instruct the children to write a prayer intention to God on a square of paper, fold the sheet, and place it in the bowl.
  • Challenge the children to fill the bowl with their prayer requests during Lent.
  • Pray the Lord's Prayer as a group, referring to the prayer intentions in the prayer bowl.
  • Remember to draw attention to the prayer bowl every session during Lent and include the intentions during your prayer time.

Learning Styles

People Smart, Self Smart, Word Smart

Approximate Time

15 minutes


Remind the children during every session to write prayer intentions and place them in the bowl. The sheets with prayers on them can be a variety of colors. If possible, photocopy the words God, "please help?" onto the sheets.


Keep the bowl visible throughout Lent; no names should be on the papers.