Saint Peter Chrysologus

Feast day July 30

Saints Stories for All Ages

About 431, Peter, a deacon, became bishop of Ravenna, Italy. Many Christians in his diocese were following false teachings and living by values that were not Christian. Peter became known as an outstanding preacher. He also preached to catechumens preparing for Baptism. At the bishops’ meeting in Constantinople in 448, Eutyches, a false teacher, denied that Jesus was both God and man. When the bishops refused Eutyches the right to teach his false ideas, he went to Peter for help. But Peter said, “In the interest of peace and the faith we cannot judge in matters of faith without the consent of the Roman bishop [the pope].”

Peter Chrysologus believed that Christians should acquire knowledge to support the Christian faith. He encouraged education as a God-given opportunity and obligation. About 450, Peter died where he had been born: Imola, Italy. Thirteen centuries later, Pope Benedict XIII declared him a Doctor of the Church because of his homilies.


Instruct the students to give ways to overcome temptations. Include the following strategies:

  • List benefits from overcoming the temptation and the consequences of failing.

  • Pray for strength.

  • Practice acts of penance to strengthen yourself.

  • Get support from someone.

  • Memorize a line from Scripture and repeat it when faced with temptation: Romans 8:37, 12:9; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Galatians 5:25; Colossians 2:6, 3:16; 1 Peter 5:9.

Invite the students to cut out a picture that might trigger thoughts for a Sunday homily topic. Have them glue the picture on a sheet of paper, choose a fitting Scripture text, and write a short homily.

Excerpted from Christ Our Life, by Sisters of Notre Dame of Chardon, Ohio

Image credit: Saint Peter Chrysologus by unknown artist, 17th century. Public Domain via Wikimedia.