Books about St. Luke and His Writings


About Saint Luke

Meeting St. Luke Today
Daniel J. Harrington, SJ, Paperback

Meeting St. Luke Today uncovers both the theological and literary beauty of the Gospel of Luke. The book includes a brief analysis of the Gospel of Luke, an overview of Lucan themes, and suggestions for how we might live the Gospel of Luke in our daily lives.

Bible Study Books and Resources

Watch A Video Introduction to the Gospel of Luke English

Exploring the Gospel of Luke: Download script [PDF] Español

El evangelio de san Lucas: Download script [PDF]

Luke: The Good News of God's Mercy
Six Weeks with the Bible

The overriding message of the book of Luke, that God has acted through Jesus Christ to meet our deepest needs, encourages us to welcome God's actions throughout our lives and, in turn, to go out and offer God's mercy to the world around us.

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Lucas: La Buena Nueva de la misericordia de Dios
Seis semanas con la Biblia

En el Evangelio de San Lucas descubrimos que la necesidad más grande de alguien que conoce a Jesús es el abrir sus ojos a las verdaderas necesidades.

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Luke: The Good News of God's Mercy
Six Weeks with the Bible for Catholic Teens

In Luke's Gospel, we will see that the greatest need of some who meet Jesus is to have their eyes opened to their real need.

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