Six Weeks with the Bible Resources


Getting started? View our small faith group facilitator training presentation, Preparing to Serve. ​This free resource is the perfect resource for training new facilitators for your Scripture reflection ministry using the Six Weeks with the Bible series.

Download PowerPoint version of facilitator training presentation.

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You can read samples of the Luke title online in English, Spanish or the teen version.

Leader’s Guide

For tips on making the most of your Six Weeks with the Bible program, download our Leader’s Guide, which includes:

  • Tips for starting a Bible discussion group
  • Ideas for using the many Six Weeks with the Bible titles and theme studies
  • Suggestions for leading a Bible discussion group

Leader’s Guide [English-PDF]

Leader's Guide [Spanish-PDF]

Bible Workshop for Young People

Help middle and high school students become familiar with the structure of the Bible with this 90-minute workshop [PDF]. Also available in Spanish [PDF].

Adapted from The Bible Blueprint.

Introducing Catholics to the Bible: A Parent-Child Session

Joe Paprocki, DMin, is host of the Catechist’s Journey blog and author of numerous books. In this downloadable guide, Joe outlines a hands-on session for catechists to introduce children and their parents to how the Bible is arranged.

Promotional Items

Use these materials to support your Six Weeks with the Bible program.


Download English poster [PDF]

Download Spanish poster [PDF]

Download Teens poster [PDF]

Generate interest in your Six Weeks with the Bible program by making an announcement after Mass, placing a notice in your bulletin, or adding a post to your parish Web site.

Click here to view sample announcements.

Looking for additional help?

Are there other ways we can help make your Six Weeks with the Bible group a success? Please contact us.

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