Spiritual Practices for the Brain: A Webinar with Anne Kertz Kernion


Research shows that many spiritual practices also provide long-lasting benefits to our physical and mental health, boosting our well-being down to our cells and DNA. Spiritual exercises practiced regularly can lead to greater immune function, less inflammation, better cognitive capacity, and many more improvements to our daily lives. In this webinar, author Anne Kertz Kernion will identify and explain a number of spiritual practices that can provide profound blessings for us, not only spiritually, but also physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Spiritual Practices for the Brain: Caring for Mind, Body, and Soul
A Webinar with Anne Kertz Kernion

Anne Kertz Kernion, founder of the inspirational greeting card company Cards by Anne, is an international lecturer and retreat leader who holds an MA in theology from Duquesne University. She is a former adjunct faculty member at Carlow University and author of Spiritual Practices for the Brain: Caring for Mind, Body, and Soul. Anne leads exercise classes and enjoys biking and hiking. She and her husband, Jack, have three grown children and six grandchildren.