And Jesus Was His Name

Activity Objective

To use music and actions to summarize the story of Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and ascension

Lesson Outcome

The children will be able to summarize the story of Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and ascension


  • Explain to the children that there are many aspects of Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and ascension. Have them think about parts of the stories you have read together that speak to them.
  • Invite the children to sit cross-legged in a circle. Ask them to begin humming the tune to ?BINGO.?
  • Add a clapping rhythm to the music. It can be a simple knees-and-hands clap (one/two count), or a knees, knees, clap type of count, depending on the class.
  • To the tune of "BINGO," instruct the children to respond with different parts of Jesus' life story. For example, you could lead them off with, "There was a savior born to our world, and Jesus was his name-o; J-e-s-u-s, J-e-s-u-s, J-e-s-u-s and Jesus was his name-o." "He died to save us from our sins, and . . . ", "He rose to heaven to show us God, and . . . ", "He lived with his parents, Mary and Joseph, and . . . "
  • After you have sung the song around the group once, stop the singing and ask the children to reflect on the contributions they have offered about Jesus' life.
  • Ask the children to focus on the main aspects of Jesus' life and how his life redeems us today.

Learning Styles

Body Smart, Music Smart

Approximate Time

10 minutes


Keep the clapping beat. It helps the group stay on rhythm and keeps them focused.