Bible Covers

Activity Objective

The young people will experience the sacred nature of the Bible as God's Holy Word by making personalized covers.

Lesson Outcome

The young people should be able to identify the Bible as a personal message from God.


  • Pieces of leather or vinyl:

2 ? by 8 ? inches (1 per student)

? by 8 ? inches (2 per student)

  • Hole or leather punch
  • Colored yarn
  • Scissors
  • Leather tools or adhesive letters


  • Distribute three pieces of leather or vinyl to each young person. Then direct the young people to follow these instructions.
  • Punch holes about one inch apart around three sides of one of the smaller pieces, leaving one 8 ?-inch edge unpunched. Align the smaller piece of material so that its unpunched edge is next to the 8 ?-inch side of the larger piece. Punch holes across the top edge of the larger piece.
  • Put the other small piece in place and continue to punch holes, returning to where you began.
  • Cut a piece of yarn, measuring twice around the outside edge of the larger piece, since flaps will be included.
  • Starting in one corner, lace one of the smaller flaps to the cover. Continue lacing through the holes to the beginning of the second flap. Lace that flap in place. Then lace back to where you began and tie the ends securely.
  • Put a title on the cover. Letters can be tooled or stamped onto leather; adhesive letters can be used on vinyl.

Learning Styles

Art/Space Smart

Approximate Time

25-30 minutes


To save time, you may want to prepunch the leather or vinyl pieces.

Playing instrumental music while the young people work helps to create a reflective environment.