To identify sacraments as blessings we receive from God
Lesson Outcome
The children will be able to name and describe each of the seven sacraments.
Poster-size blank paper
Markers, crayons, and colored pencils
Remind the children that the sacraments are blessings (favors or good things) we receive from God. Tell them that they are going to do an activity regarding the sacraments.
Invite the children to pair off.
Explain that each pair will choose a different sacrament to illustrate.
Distribute the art supplies.
Instruct the children to create posters that illustrate the sacraments as blessings from God.
Invite the pairs to present their posters to the group and explain their illustrations.
Learning Styles
Art/Space Smart
Approximate Time
10 minutes
Circulate among the pairs as they work, providing encouragement and ideas for illustrations, if necessary.