The children will be able to describe the rite and effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
In order to assure that the children present accurate information, read this information about Confirmation aloud:
Confirmation is a Sarcrament of Initiation in which baptized Christians receive help from the Holy Spirit to fulfill their mission. The person being confirmed
1. has reached the age of reason, which is defined as about the age of seven.
2. professes the faith and wants to receive the sacrament.
3. is in the state of grace, a state of friendship with God.
4. is ready to live as a witness to Christ. As in Baptism a person can celebrate Confirmation only once.
A bishop is the usual celebrant of the Sacrament of Confirmation. The bishop first extends his hands over those to be confirmed and calls on God: "Send you Holy Spirit upon them to be their helper and guide."
Each person being confiremd is then anointed with chrism. The bishop makes the Sign of the Cross on the forehead of the person as he says: "Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit."
Confirmation gives sanctifying grace. We deepen the life of the Holy Spirit and form a closer bond with Jesus. The Holy Spirit helps us believe, pray, love, and perform good acts.
Make sure the groups are of mixed abilities.