Faces of the Church

Meaning of the Word Catholic

Activity Objective

The young people will explore the meaning of the word catholic.

Lesson Outcome

The young people will explore the meaning of the word catholic.


  • Large construction-paper letters that spell the word catholic
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Old magazines or newspapers


  • Review with the group the Marks of the Church (one, holy, catholic, apostolic). Discuss what the word catholic means.
  • Divide the young people into groups of three or four. Give each group one or more letters of the word catholic.
  • Have the young people cut out faces from old newspapers and magazines representing the diversity of age, culture, and ethnicity in the universal church. Have the young people glue the faces to their letter or letters.
  • Arrange the letters in order and display them in an appropriate place.

Learning Styles

Art/Space Smart, People Smart

Approximate Time

25 minutes


Ensure that the magazines and newspapers the young people use have a fair representation of a variety of cultures and ethnic groups.