Name that Fruit

Activity Objective

To teach the children that the Fruits of the Holy Spirit are the results of staying close to Jesus

Lesson Outcome

The children will learn and understand that love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness are the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.


  • Chalk
  • Chalkboard


  • Draw on the board a picture of a vine with five branches coming out of it.
  • Each branch represents a Fruit so draw the appropriate number of letter spaces for each Fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness.
  • Ask the children to guess letters until each word is complete.
  • Once the children have guessed all of the Fruits on the board, review the words with them.
  • Conclude by reminding the children that the Fruits of the Holy Spirit are the results of staying close to Jesus.

Learning Styles

Word Smart

Approximate Time

15 minutes


The game can be extended if you want to separate the Fruits and make each word its own game.