Good Samaritans Are Among Us

Activity Objective

To have the children meet people in the parish who reach out and help others

Lesson Outcome

The children will meet and listen to the story of someone who serves the poor.


  • Guest speaker, be sure to get ahold of the speaker in advance


  • Invite a member of your parish community's St. Vincent de Paul society or food pantry, or a minister of care, to talk to your group.
  • Ask the guest speaker to share with the children stories of why he or she got involved in the ministry and how he or she serves in his or her ministry.
  • Encourage the speaker to explain to the children ways they can help others.
  • As a follow-up, send the speaker a thank-you letter signed by every child.

Learning Styles

People Smart, Word Smart

Approximate Time

20 minutes


Remind your speaker that the group is in the second grade and that his or her talk should be clear and simple.

If your parish has a food pantry, perhaps a tour or a walk-through could follow the speaker's talk.


Remind the speaker not to share any names of people who benefit from the food pantry.