To reinforce with the children how they can follow Jesus by obeying the Ten Commandments and sharing with others
The children will relate their responses to practical situations in everyday living to following the Commandments and taking the next step.
The Ten Commandments posted for the children to see
Situations for the children to respond to that relate to different Commandments
Use these or similar situations:
You find just the kind of soccer ball you've been wanting in a neighbor's yard, and you're pretty sure you know whose it is.
Your dad told you to help your mom clean the basement, but your friends are playing ball down the street.
Your teacher asks if you added your pictures to the class mural, and you didn't feel like doing them last night.
After discussing several situations, conclude by reminding the children to live their lives by obeying the Ten Commandments and sharing with others.
If time permits, invite the children to add their own situations for others to respond to.