Living the Beatitudes

Activity Objective

The young people will deepen their understanding of how to live the Beatitudes.

Lesson Outcome

The young people should be able to identify the Beatitudes as the way to serve God's kingdom.


  • Construction paper
  • Pencils
  • Markers
  • Single-hole punch


  • Have the young people trace one of their hands on a piece of construction paper.
  • Invite them to choose one Beatitude and to write it in the center of the hand.
  • Instruct them to think of five ways they can live out this Beatitude and to write one on each finger.
  • They may also draw pictures around the Beatitude.
  • Punch a hole at the top of the page and suggest that the young people hang their hands at home where they can be a reminder of living out the Beatitudes.
  • Invite volunteers to share their work.

Learning Styles

Art/Space Smart, Word Smart

Approximate Time

15 minutes