Our Loved Ones

Activity Objective

To honor and remember the lives of our loved ones

Lesson Outcome

The children will describe and share the life story of a loved one who has died.


  • Binder or book with blank pages


  • Explain that we honor those who have gone before us on All Souls Day.
  • Ask the children to research the life of a relative or family friend who has died.
  • Suggest that they talk to their families to learn more about family members and friends who have died.
  • Determine a time when the children who choose to present will have an opportunity to talk to the others about their deceased loved ones.
  • Encourage the children to bring in pictures to share with the group.
  • Pass the book or binder around for each child to write the name of the person or persons whom they would like to be remembered.
  • Place the book or binder in a place of honor.

Learning Styles

People Smart

Approximate Time

15 minutes


Some children have not experienced the death of a close relative. If this is the case, encourage the children to ask about family members who died before they were born. It is a good opportunity to hear family stories.


Be aware of the need for reverence when dealing with this topic. Be sensitive to the possibility that some children are personally grieving the loss of a loved one. Thank them for sharing and assure them that the group will pray for them as they mourn this loss.