Resurrection Bingo

Activity Objective

This game can be adapted as a review for any unit. Adapt the image in the Free space to fit the theme of the unit. You might want to offer a small prize for the winners.


  • Paper, pencils


  • Ask the young people to fold a sheet of notebook paper into thirds, vertically and horizontally.
  • In the middle square, instruct them to draw a small tombstone and to write Free inside it.
  • Then tell them to choose eight glossary terms from this unit and to fill in the remaining squares with these words, in any order they wish.
  • Use the definitions from the glossary to call bingo clues. The young people will place a small x in pencil in the corner of the square with the correct answer.
  • The winner is the first one to get a row of x's vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.

Learning Styles

Logic/Math Smart, Word Smart

Approximate Time

20 minutes


This game can be adapted as a review for any unit. Adapt the image in the Free space to fit the theme of the unit. You might want to offer a small prize for the winners.