Share Your Love

Activity Objective

To help the children concretely share their love

Lesson Outcome

The children will create an opportunity to tell someone in their life that they love him or her.


  • Construction-paper hearts
  • Crayons and markers


  • Pass out the pre-cut hearts to the group.
  • Have the children write "I love you" on the hearts and the name of the person(s) to whom the heart will be given.
  • Encourage the children to take the hearts home and to pass them on to people they love.
  • At the next session, as a follow-up, ask the children to reflect on how it felt to give the construction-paper hearts to the people they love.

Learning Styles

Art/Space Smart, Self Smart

Approximate Time

10 minutes


Have the hearts pre-cut to save time; have extras available.


During the follow-up session, the emphasis should be on the feelings of the children, not the feelings of the people to whom they gave the hearts.