Song: Christians Do Their Best

Activity Objective

To sing a song to identify the qualities of being a Christian

Lesson Outcome

The children will describe how Jesus wants us to love and help our neighbors.


  • Ask if any of the children know the song "London Bridge Is Falling Down." Sing the song to remind the children of the melody.
  • Tell the children that they are going to learn some new words to go along with the melody that will help us remember how to be Christians.
  • Sing the following song once and have the children join in the second time.

Christians do their best to share,
Best to share, best to share,
Christians do their best to share,
Because they follow Jesus.

Christians do their best to care,
Best to care, best to care,
Christians do their best to care,
Because they follow Jesus.

Christians do their best to be fair,
Best to be fair, best to be fair,
Christians do their best to be fair,
Because they follow Jesus.

Learning Styles

Music Smart, Word Smart

Approximate Time

15 minutes


Write the words to the new song on the board. Encourage the children to come up with other words that would fit the song for additional verses. Try to add actions to the words.


If there are children in your group with special needs (physical, visual, hearing, language, or behavioral disabilities), adapt the activity accordingly.