The Coming of the Holy Spirit Poster

Activity Objective

To recognize the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

Lesson Outcome

The children will be able to tell the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.


  • Large poster paper
  • Crayons, markers, glue
  • Colored paper
  • Bible


  • Read aloud the passage from Acts of the Apostles 2:1-12, and invite the children to close their eyes and imagine the events of the story.
  • After reading aloud the passage, provide the children with colored paper and coloring materials.
  • Ask the children to create illustrations of the story.
  • As the children work, encourage them to include signs of the Holy Spirit in their drawings. If necessary, remind them that two signs of the Holy Spirit are wind and fire.
  • When the children have completed their illustrations, invite volunteers to share their work with the others.
  • Next, have the children glue their illustrations on a piece of large poster paper.
  • Write across the top of the poster, The Coming of the Holy Spirit.
  • Display the poster somewhere in the room.

Learning Styles

Art/Space Smart, Word Smart

Approximate Time

20 minutes