Truth or Dare Activity

Activity Objective

To have the children experience in a fun way the challenge that comes from choosing to speak the truth and to see that not speaking the truth has consequences

Lesson Outcome

By playing the game Truth Or Dare, the children will see that both speaking the truth and not speaking the truth have consequences.


  • A list of questions, some more challenging than others, written on individual pieces of paper
  • As many consequences or "dares" as you have questions
  • Two containers, one marked "Questions" and the other marked "Dares"


  • Prior to class, prepare a group of questions appropriate for the children in your group. Write each question on a separate piece of paper. Use the following questions or create your own:

What do you like best about school?
Who is your favorite teacher and why?
What do you think is your greatest skill or talent?
What would you do if you found a billfold lying on the floor in a store?
What do you like best about your family?
What is your greatest fear?
When do you find it the hardest to tell the truth?
Also create an equal number of rather silly dares such as:
Flap your arms like a chicken and say, ?Cock-a-doodle-do!? five times.
Hop around the room on one foot.
Tell a tongue twister (such as Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers) at least five times in 10 seconds.
Put your shoes on the wrong feet for the next 10 minutes.
Tell your favorite joke.
Stand up and sing part of "The Star-Spangled Banner."
Wear a funny hat or crazy pair of sunglasses until this silly activity is over.

  • Tell the children that they will be doing an activity called Truth Or Dare as a way to experience in a fun way that the choice to tell the truth (like the prophets did) or not to tell the truth comes with consequences.
  • Fold the papers with the questions on them and put them in one container; fold the papers with the dares written on them and put them in the other.
  • Ask for a volunteer to randomly pick one of the questions. Explain that the person picking the question will have the choice to answer the question truthfully or to take a paper from the "Dare" container and do whatever it says. Continue with the activity as long as you have questions and volunteers willing to answer them or to do a dare.
  • After the activity, ask the children to reflect on what they have learned by asking a few questions such as:

Was it hard to answer any of the questions truthfully?
Why were there dares or consequences if you chose not to answer the questions truthfully?
What are some reasons that people don't want to tell or to hear the truth?

Learning Styles

People Smart

Approximate Time

15 minutes


If there are children in your group with special needs (physical, visual, hearing, language, or behavioral disabilities), adapt the activity accordingly.