Wheel-of-Fortune Game

Activity Objective

To reinforce the Sacraments at the Service of Communion

Lesson Outcome

The children will learn which are the Sacraments at the Service of Communion.


  • Blackboard or presentation pad
  • Chalk or markers


  • After the lesson, tell the children you are going to play a game of ?Wheel of Sacraments,? similar to ?Wheel of Fortune.?
  • Divide the class into three groups.
  • Draw a line on the board for each letter in the phrase ?Sacraments at the Service of Communion? with spacing to illustrate three words. (Write out the words at, the, and of.)
  • Pick one child from each group to guess a letter to try and spell out the words on the board.
  • If the letter is there, write it in above the correct line, if not, ask the next group for a letter.
  • The first group to correctly guess the phrase wins.
  • Repeat for ?Sacrament of Matrimony? and ?Holy Orders.?
  • Remind the children that the Catholic Church considers Holy Orders and Matrimony to be Sacraments at the Service of Communion.

Learning Styles

Word Smart

Approximate Time

15 minutes


Use this activity as a review a few weeks after the children learn about the Sacraments at the Service of Communion.