WWJD Tablets

Avoiding Temptation

Activity Objective

To focus the children on avoiding temptation

Lesson Outcome

The children will understand that by asking themselves What would Jesus do?, they can avoid temptation.


  • Modeling clay (a kind that hardens)
  • Paper plates
  • Toothpicks
  • Elastic yarn or any string that stretches
  • Scissors (only one or two pairs)
  • Pens or pencils


  • Explain to the children that asking ourselves each day, What would Jesus do? is a great way to avoid temptation.
  • Pass out a paper plate, two toothpicks, and a small clump of clay to each child.
  • Have the children form a clay ?snake? by rolling the clay between their hands. (It should be about as thick as a marker and maybe two inches long.)
  • Have the children place the clay on the plates and flatten it gently with their palms. Be sure the clay is not too thin or it will break.
  • Take the top part and gently roll the clay around the toothpick. (This is to provide a hoop to string the clay on).
  • Next, take another toothpick and ask the children to etch WWJD down the front of the clay.
  • Remove the top toothpick and let the piece dry.
  • Pass out pieces of yarn or string for each child to make a necklace.
  • Tell the children that they can use this necklace to help them remember WWJD.

Learning Styles

Art/Space Smart, Body Smart

Approximate Time

20 minutes


You can buy modeling clay at any craft store, or make it using the following recipe:

1 cup cornstarch
1 cup salt
1 cup cold water

Put the cornstarch, salt, and water in a pan over low heat. Stir until it begins to bubble. Remove from heat and stir in enough bread crumbs to thicken, and let cool. Knead the clay for a long time (5-10 minutes) until smooth and easy to twist. This helps the product not crumble when dry.

The children should use the paper plate to mold their clay. You can also use pieces of waxed paper.

Be sure to have the children write their names on the plates. (Because the clay takes awhile to dry, you will need a way to identify each child's artwork.)

If you like, after the medallions are dry, they can be painted. (You may want to paint them in a separate class).