Catholic Social Teaching Video-Based Activity


To enhance children's understanding of Catholic Social Teaching themes, Catholic Relief Services and Loyola Press have collaborated to create developmentally-appropriate learning activities based on Catholic Relief Services videos featuring individuals and communities served by CRS throughout the world.

This is a 3-part activity, a video, a text summary, and an activity sheet.

To implement this three-part activity, access each of the links below. See the Implementation Ideas for ways to use the three components effectively.

GRADE 4 VIDEO: Andrise in Haiti

GRADE 4 CASE STUDY for Andrise in Haiti

A printable page with summary of the story in the video and one related Catholic Social Teaching principle

image of Grade 4 Case Study page

GRADE 4 ACTIVITIES SHEET for Andrise in Haiti

A student-choice activity sheet that allows for differentiation and individualization.

image of Grade 4 Activities page

Individual or Pair Activity:

Have students watch the video on their own, or project it for the class. You may project the Case Study and the Activities Sheet or print out and distribute a copy for each student.

Class Activity:

Project the video for the class to watch together.

Project the Case Study or print out a copy for each student and read it aloud to them, answering questions and discussing details about the lives of the people in the video.

Distribute copies of the Activities Sheet to each student. Read the options and allow each student to choose one activity (or more, if you like) to demonstrate how they make a connection with the people or events in the video.