Leader Guides

Leader Guides

Springs of Faith provides all the resources needed for both coordinators and leaders to implement the process effectively and efficiently. The videos and music used in Springs of Faith can be found in the LP Digital Library and are easily downloaded onto a device with an internet connection.

Program Coordinator Guide—This guide offers program coordinators a solid overview of all three phases as well as multiple implementation models, suggestions for training and preparing leaders, logistics considerations, and more.

Discover Leader Guide—Contains easy-to-follow yet comprehensive guidance for leaders of the Discover phase. Each of the four sessions in the guide begins with a Leader Preparation page designed to prepare the leader spiritually for the session ahead. This is followed by the Session Planner and step-by-step instructions for a smooth, informative, stress-free gathering.

Encounter/Share Leader Guide—Each of the two Encounter sessions begins with a Leader Preparation page, followed by the Session Planner and comprehensive instructions for shepherding the group through the various elements of the rite of Baptism. Four optional Family Gatherings, which are part of the Share phase, are provided near the end of the guide, with complete instructions for each gathering.

Baby and Me Leader Guide—This guide prepares leaders for post-baptismal gatherings of parents and their children. It includes songs, movements, activities, and prayers to be used for three different age groups, with seven sessions per group. Although Baby and Me is part of the Share phase mentioned above, this resource is required to conduct the gatherings.

Leading Made Easy

With key words such as “Ask,” “Say,” “Read,” “Distribute,” etc., employed throughout all the session scripts, leaders are never left wondering or worrying about what to say or do. First-time leaders may choose to follow the instructions to the letter, while more experienced leaders might decide to be a bit more flexible with how they use the script. Regardless of the experience level of your leaders, leading any of the three phases is simple and stress-free.