Loyola Press LAREC 2023 Speakers


Be informed, inspired, and energized by these terrific speakers appearing at LA Congress in 2023! Register now and don’t miss a thing.

Workshop Title and Description

Ana Barraza currently serves in the Diocese of Sacramento, CA, and has been involved in ministry for over 25 years as a catechist, youth minister, PCL, music minister, and retreat director for children, youth, and adults.

1-04 The Eucharist for Children and Youth with Disabilities
Starting with an adaptive prayer, this workshop focuses on how to set up your program and classroom where children and youth with disAbilities have a meaningful participation in the Eucharist. Learn about valuable resources available as you prepare a Sensory-friendly mass. A prayer with ASL keywords will serve as a conclusion.
(Friday, February 24 | Period 1 | 10:00am - 11:15am)

6-52 La Eucaristía para Niños y Jóvenes con disCapacidades
Comenzando con una oración adaptativa, este taller se enfoca en cómo preparar su programa y salón de clases donde los niños y jóvenes con disCapacidad participen de forma significativa de la Eucaristía. Aprenda sobre los valiosos recursos disponibles al preparar una misa con adaptaciones sensoriales. La oración con palabras clave en lengua de señas americana servirá como cierre.
(sábado | 2:45pm - 4:00pm)

Dr. Kathryn Bojczyk is the Department Chair, an Associate Professor, and Coordinator of Early Childhood Education in the Department of Education at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.

8-02 From “Infant Baptism Prep” to “Forming Young Families in Faith”
Although parents are their children’s first catechists, they often lack the confidence to begin religious formation at home in the early years or may not know how to connect with other families as they raise their children in the Catholic faith. In this presentation, Dr. Bojczyk will introduce strategies for empowering parents to begin faith formation activities with young children to build the bridge from baptism to faith formation in early childhood. Participants will learn how to equip parents with strategies to engage young children through music, Bible stories, and activities that incorporate multiple sensory experiences.
(Sunday, February 26 | Period 8 | 1:00pm - 2:15pm

Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ is the founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, CA, the largest gang-intervention, rehabilitation, and reentry program in the world.

5-01 When the Wave Knows It's the Ocean: Apostolic Wholeness and the Kinship of God
This workshop will explore the marks of authentic discipleship: flourishing, joy and fearlessness.
(Saturday, February 25 | Period 5 | 1:00pm - 2:15pm)

Fr. Allan Figueroa Deck, SJ, is currently Distinguished Scholar of Theology and Latino Studies at Loyola Marymount University and Professor of Theological Studies.

3-51 El Gran Desafio de la Gracia: Aceptar la Aceptación de Dios
La gracia viene siendo la puerta o llave para entrar en la intimidad con Dios a la cual todos los seres humanos somos invitados. Como es eso y porque resistimos abrazar el amor sin condiciones de Dios? Explora con el P. Allan la vision ignaciana que penetra en la realidad y en las consecuencias de la cercania de Dios y de su amor sin condicones y sin excepciones para ti y todos nosotros!
(viernes | 2:45pm - 4:00pm)

Anne Kertz Kernion is the owner/artist of the inspirational greeting card company Cards by Anne. She is an international lecturer, retreat leader and author of Spiritual Practices for the Brain: Caring for Mind, Body, and Soul

3-08 Four Essential B's: How Beliefs Affect Our Bodies, Brains and Bonds
How do our core beliefs affect our bodies, brains and relationships in both positive and negative ways? (For example, did you know that what we believe about the food we eat will affect how our bodies process the calories?) We will explore how our beliefs, words and actions not only affect our brains and bodies, but also the brains and bodies of those around us. We will also discover how prayer fuels our health and well-being, decreasing our stress, and boosting our resilience, allowing all of us to live more joyfully.
(Friday, February 24 | Period 3 | 2:45pm - 4:00pm)

Jayne Ragasa-Mondoy is the Director of the Office of Religious Education and Faith Formation for the Diocese of Honolulu.

7-08 First Eucharist as the Beginning of a Eucharistic Lifestyle
A Eucharistic lifestyle begins with a theology of the family because it helps us understand how we can continue to grow in holiness through God’s grace in our daily lives. Preparing children to receive their first Eucharist, then, requires a more holistic approach that includes the entire family, one that is emblematic of Christian discipleship: that the Risen Christ accompanies us, teaches us, nourishes us by His Real Presence in the Eucharist, and sends us – as individuals and as family – to be life for the world as He is for us.
(Sunday, February 26 | Period 7 | 10:00am - 11:15am)

Veronica Rayas is Director of the Office of Religious Formation as well as the Mexican American Arts, Cultural, and Formation Center for Middle School and High School Youth for the Diocese of El Paso, TX.

4-54 Buscando a Dios: Guiando a niños al encuentro con Dios en lo cotidiano
Presentar el Examen Diario Ignaciano puede brindar una oportunidad de oración para que los niños desarrollen un sentido más profundo de la presencia de Dios. En esta presentación nos enfocaremos en guiar a los niños a través del Examen Diario para que un niño pueda encontrar una profunda conciencia de Dios en la vida diaria, revisar el día con gratitud, tener más atención especialmente a sus emociones y esperar un mañana más brillante con Dios a su lado.
(sábado | 10:00am - 11:15am)

7-55 El Niño Dios: La tradición de la imagen del Niño Jesús y el desarrollo espiritual de los niños
La temporada Navideña desde Adviento hasta la presentación del niño Jesús (2 de febrero-Día de la Candelaria) nos da la gran oportunidad de nutrir el crecimiento espiritual de los niños. La imagen del Niño Jesús en la religiosidad popular Hispana puede hacer que los niños se relacionen a más profundidad con Cristo entre nosotros. Esto puede llevar a una relación más profunda con Cristo, a ayudar al niño a vivir su Fe Católica, y a aprender a identificar a Cristo en los demás. Esta tradición de más de 400 años es un excelente recurso para el desarrollo espiritual de los niños.
(domingo | 10:00am - 11:15am)

Julianne Stanz is Director of Discipleship and Leadership Development for the Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin and is a consultant to the USCCB Committee on Catechesis and Evangelization.

Joe Paprocki, DMin is National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, where, in addition to his traveling/speaking responsibilities, he works on the development team for faith formation curriculum resources.

6-04 Ministering in the Midst of Disruption
Pope Francis reminded the world that we are not simply living through an era of change but a change of era. How do we refocus on our mission in this time of disruption? With joy, humor and practical insights, Julianne Stanz and Joe Paprocki, DMin will help you to set forth a missionary vision that moves into deep waters
(Saturday, February 25 | Period 6 | 2:45pm - 4:00pm)

Dr. Dora Tobar is the Director of Family Life and Hispanic Ministry Office at the Diocese of Lafayette in Indiana.

2-51 La misión de los Padres de familia en la Iglesia Doméstica.
Los padres de familia necesitan que la Iglesia los acompañe y les dé las herramientas para ser líderes y ministros exitosos de Dios en sus Iglesias domésticas y en sus comunidades parroquiales. La Dra. Tobar les propone una forma de crear comunidad con otros padres de familia donde puedan hablar de los retos que a diario enfrentan en la crianza de los hijos y la vida familiar e iluminar sus vidas con la propuesta de amor que ofrece Jesus a las familias.
(viernes | 1:00pm - 2:15pm)

5-55 La Misa: Cómo una hora a la semana puede cambiar tu vida
A través de la “Reavivación Eucarística”, la Iglesia nos invita hoy a volver a encontrar en la Eucaristía la fuente y culmen de nuestra vida de fe. En esta presentación la Dra. Tobar introducirá a los participantes en el descubrimiento del sentido y fuerza sanadora de cada parte de la misa, de tal manera que participemos de la liturgia Eucarística de forma más consciente y renovadora.
(sábado | 1:00pm - 2:15pm)