God's Loving Presence

A Reflection by Pope Francis

The light of faith is unique, because it is capable of illuminating every aspect of human existence. A light this powerful cannot come from us but from a more primordial source: in a word, it must come from God. Faith is born of an encounter with the living God who calls us and reveals his love, a love that precedes us and upon which we can lean for security and for building our lives. Transformed by this love, we gain fresh vision, new eyes to see; we realize that it contains a great promise of fulfillment, and that a vision of the future opens up before us. Faith, received from God as a supernatural gift, becomes a light for our way, guiding our journey through time. It is a light coming from the past, the light of the foundational memory of the life of Jesus, which revealed his perfectly trustworthy love, a love capable of triumphing over death.

—Excerpted from The Church of Mercy by Pope Francis

Pope Francis

Pope Francis

Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope, the first pope from the Americas, and his papacy is defined by his emphasis on mercy, service, and humility.

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