Catholic Social Teaching Video-Based Activity
Case Study


Video name:

Andrise in Haiti

Video Length:

3 minutes, 18 seconds

Grade 4 Summary

Haiti is a country in the Caribbean Sea, south and east of Florida. Andrise and other teachers in Haiti realized their first- and second-grade students were having trouble learning to read. Catholic Relief Services created a program to train Haitian teachers to use new, fun methods for teaching their students. Andrise is one of the teachers who attended the special training, and she has made reading and learning a wonderful experience for her first-grade students at Notre Dame de la Merci School. Now the students use their reading skills in all their subjects, including French, Creole, and even math! Andrise and the other teachers feel better about the work they do because they know they are helping their students be successful.

Catholic Social Teaching Principle: Rights and Responsibilities

The Catholic Church teaches that we all have important rights because we are all created in God’s image. One of these rights is the right to a good education. Along with our rights, we have responsibilities.That means that we should go to school and always do our best to learn. The students in Haiti have a responsibility to learn, just like you! Andrise helps the students exercise their right to learn and fulfill their responsibility to do their best in school. She teaches the children not only how to be good students but also how to be good leaders in their communities and country. Catholic Relief Services is training lots of Haitian teachers just like Andrise to be successful. Because Andrise and other teachers try their best to practice their Rights and Responsibilities, they are involving and helping the entire community become stronger citizens for the country of Haiti.


Andrise, a first-grade teacher in Haiti


Many first- and second-grade students in Haiti were struggling with reading.


CRS provided specialized training to elementary school teachers in Haiti, giving them new ideas and methods to make learning to read more successful and more fun.


In Andrise’s school, children are learning to read and having fun doing so. Both parents and teachers love Andrise, which makes the kids excited to learn. Andrise also uses her skills in her local community. The children in Andrise’s school are learning to be good students, community members, and citizens of Haiti.