Catholic, flexible, and fully bilingual, Called to Be Catholic and Confirmed in the Spirit work together as a two-part program to provide young people with everything they need on their path toward the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Features of a Two-Part Confirmation Preparation Program

Called to Be Catholic gives young people a solid faith foundation on which to build while they progress toward sacramental preparation.

  • Covers the basics of Catholic faith, including Scripture, Jesus, the Trinity, the Church, sacraments, the moral life, social justice, and prayer
  • Inspires young people to deepen their relationship with God through engaging and relevant content
  • Nurtures a lifelong faith through a variety of reflective and active experiences

Confirmed in the Spirit provides young people with the comprehensive, core preparation they need to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

  • Focuses on the Holy Spirit and prepares young people to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation
  • Offers opportunity for reflection, introspection, and spiritual development
  • Invites young people to witness Jesus with service opportunities that encourage faith-filled lives
  • Promotes faith formation as a lifelong journey by embracing lifelong Catholic practices
  • Encourages discipleship through Catholic Social Teaching and service in the community